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During World War II, a large number of people immigrated to Germany for various reasons. This influx of immigrants had a significant impact on the country and its society.

Refugees from neighboring countries

Many people from neighboring countries, such as Poland, France, and the Netherlands, sought refuge in Germany during the war. These individuals were fleeing the violence and destruction in their own countries and saw Germany as a place of relative safety and stability.

Forced laborers

The Nazi regime forcibly brought millions of people from occupied territories to work in Germany. These forced laborers were subjected to harsh conditions and exploitation, and their presence in Germany had a profound effect on the country's economy and labor force.

Jewish refugees

One of the most well-known groups of immigrants to Germany during World War II were Jewish refugees fleeing persecution in Nazi-occupied territories. Many of these individuals sought asylum in Germany, hoping to escape the atrocities being committed against them in their home countries.

Post-war immigration

After the war, Germany experienced another wave of immigration as people sought to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the conflict. Displaced persons from across Europe, as well as refugees from the Soviet Union, found their way to Germany in search of a new beginning.

Overall, the influx of immigrants to Germany during World War II had a lasting impact on the country. It shaped the demographic makeup of the population and influenced the social and economic development of the nation in the post-war years.

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